1 Year Old!!!

To my sweet little girl pie,

Today we are celebrating your first birthday.  An entire year has passed since you came into our lives.  It seems like only yesterday the nurse handed me a teeny tiny baby girl and then promptly left the two of us in a room, with no adult supervision!  Continue reading “1 Year Old!!!”

Screaming Mandrakes and Dying Elves.

Three months?!?  I haven’t posted anything on this page in three whole months! Lazy! The exclamation points are probably unnecessary as it doesn’t come as a shock to me (or likely any other parent) that I’ve been unsuccessful in my few attempts to find the time to write here.  The little bit of free time I’ve had over the last few months has been consumed with getting ready for the holidays, napping, and planning out activities during any and all future free time.  Sure, I’ve still found enough free time to binge watch Netflix regularly…going forward I’m going to make a real effort to spend less time in front of the TV and more time reading and writing.  Until the month before the final season of Game of Thrones is scheduled to air, at which point it’ll obviously be time to re-watch all previous seasons for the third time.  My wife is a lucky gal.  I’ll have to remind her of that tonight.

What’s been happening in the last three months?  So much. Continue reading “Screaming Mandrakes and Dying Elves.”

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